Health beyond borders
Accelerating doctor-patient communication in multiple languages
We empower people for precise diagnosis by providing well-structured health reports.
EHR/EMR system designed for healthcare professionals.
Innovative tools such as providing clear written instructions on how to prepare for exams and take medications, optimize the healthcare flow and allow care providers to conduct researches using anonymized data. The flexibility to integrate with existing systems in different languages makes us really stand out from the crowd.
GlobePerson, the ultimate PHR platform that empowers individuals, who want to take complete control of the medical records. Access to information like the last appointment with each care provider, major diagnosis and measures taken, past medications, exams and results. During emergency, less time is spent in the waiting room and increases the chances precis diagnosis.
Our solutions will work even better when integrating with existing applications.
We provide consulting services to customize our solution to the needs of each customer, with expertise on Health Beyond Borders.
During screening, a nurse collects essential health information from the patient’s history, assesses urgency, orders exams, and determines the required medical specialization.
The doctor will analyse the information collected, make additional questions, evaluate the physical conditions and make a diagnose of the condition.
After diagnosing the patient, the doctor will decide the best course of action for their recovery. When prescribing new medication, it’s essential to avoid any adverse interactions with existing prescriptions. Additionally, the doctor assesses the patient’s physical condition to determine suitability for the proposed treatment.
Big potential to automate clinics that are running taking notes on paper: no “painful” migration process, possibility to obtain traction in the market and expand to the world with the expats working abroad
- Vijayasri, MsC (India)
Easy and Friendly system that the patient likes, saves in mean time, 10 minutes each patient consultation, compared to the time spent in average without the system. There is less delay in the appointment and less claims from the patient for the delay in MD consulatation
- Dr.Emílio M (doctor Brazil / Japan)
It can be a challenge when patients lack medical records, and that it becomes like trying to put together a puzzle when
information is missing.
The paramedic did highlight the possible value later on “in the chain”, if the patient is going to be admitted to the hospital for example”.
- Leap For Life Innovation Hub (Sweden)
We are part of a globalized world and according to the Danish Board of Health more than half of migrant minorities in Denmark suffer significantly poorer physical and mental health than ethnic Danes.
It is of high relevance to be able to perform healthcare communication without any constraints caused by language.
- Denmark Market Entry Test
Having my report, I feel more secure in case of any illness. It is a complete report, with all my history of pathologies, surgeries, allergies, and medical contacts in Portuguese and English. I take around 15 medications, it is essential to name them since the combination with other drugs may affect my health
- Liége (patient Brazil)
I needed an urgent surgery while on a business trip to Poland. Despite having the best travel medical insurance, I had to answer to a questionnaire in Polish together with a translator, and when released from the hospital received a report in Polish. I needed it either in English or Japanese, to be able to provide for the continuation of care in Japan where I live.
- Patricia (patient - University professor - Japan / USA
We align ourselves with these Sustainable Development Goals and the solutions are designed and developed to achieve it.